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Christian Reporters

    An argument was put to me recently that “objective facts” are rooted in truth (little “t”) that is not connected to Scripture, to the Holy Spirit, to the God of reality who created reality, like gravity not being connected to the God who controls it, or nature not to its Creator. 

    It was patently absurd. 

    To start, expecting objective truth from those who deny objective truth is like being able to smell the color seven: those that deny absolute truth probably “can,” but in the light of actual truth it is utter madness. 

    Nature was created by God, nature which is governed by laws, by physics, by absolutes, by mathematics, and these things are unchangeable because God Himself, the God of order, the God who created order, structured order, desires order, and who rules over order, rules over reality and reigns over His creation meticulously (Colossians 1:15-17). To deny God is to deny nature, and to deny nature is to deny God. 

    True objectivity does not exist, for one seeks God and His logic, logic born of God and His nature, or rejects God and the created order, and thus rejects truth which is born of, defined by, and a part of God the Creator. 

    How then can one ascertain facts of “objectivity,” facts defined by logic and nature “alone,” if one rejects first the order and structure of that nature and logic by rejecting the Creator Himself?

    This argument was further presented in such a manner as to prejudice against Christians, declaring their emotionality as tainting “objectivity” and slanting the facts. This too, stands in patent absurdity against the reality of nature and logic. If nature and logic are not only created by God, but governed by Him, how then could a Christian understanding taint what is naturally predisposed towards their comprehension of reality, their worldview, a worldview built upon the very nature of Truth, instead of a rejection of it? A Christian who then seeks Truth and seeks God with a proper hermeneutical approach, led by the Holy Spirit, should be the more “objective” person to examine and report on that which is born of truth and God. As stated before, nature is ordered and constant solely based on God’s nature; so then, it is one who not only relies on that through common grace as the unbeliever but one who has a regenerate understanding of that by grace through faith that would see more clearly the relevant facts of reality and nature. 

    Her argument further stated that objective facts involving gravity or the weather did not need an obvious connection to God, or to be reported upon by a regenerated Believer, because these facts were in and of themselves wholly independent. This flies in the face of Colossians 1:15-17, stating that Christ is before all things, created all things, and - wait for it - holds all things together, meaning gravity is not independent of Him. Weather is not independent of Him. Mathematics is not independent of Him. No fact or factoid, statement or stray bullet or stray thought or stray breath is independent of Him. There is no “objectivity” independent of Him. 

    A lack of understanding of Truth, absolute Truth, God’s Truth, God who is Truth and the Author of Truth (John 14:6, John 16:13, John 17:7, Romans 3:4, Proverbs 30:5) comes from a lack of deeper relationship with Truth.
