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Fire by Night: An Explanation

    During the Exodus, Yahweh traveled in front of the Israelites as a column (or pillar) of smoke by day and a column of fire by night (Exodus 13).  In the beginning of John 1, Jesus enters our world as a Light in the darkness.  The Psalmist declares in Psalm 119 that the Word of God is a lamp and light that guides our feet along the path.  It seems to me that we live in darkness, and that we need light.  Hopefully this blog will grant some of that to some of you. 

    Oh, where are my manners?  I am truly terrible at introductions.  A little bit about myself, I suppose, would not be out of order, am I right?  Let's see, now.  I am a bearded man of many flaws and imperfections, a father and humorist, a storyteller, a theological obsessive, a reformer, a Chestertonian, a logician, a Fire handler, a covenanter, a baptizer, a servant of the True King, a citizen of both Middle Earth and Narnia, and more to come in time.  

    So then, what is the point of this blog?  Simply put, to rant.  To preach from the rooftops, to shout to the heavens, to proclaim the absolute Truth of God, that is, the Gospel.  To rant.  To dive deeper into the Word of God and the theologies of the reformers.  To confront evil.  To have fun.   Did I mention to rant?  I rant a lot, all day throughout every day, and many of those rants may end up on here.  For those of you who enjoy them, I am sincerely glad.  To those who don't, there's a sound of someone raspberrying that comes to mind (it might've been me).  We should all be passionate about the Truth.  This will be the outlet of my passion.  

Welcome to Fire by Night.
